Energy manager: what is his role for the company?

Faced with the growth of environmental awareness and regulatory requirements such as EN NF 16247, ISO 50001 and the tertiary decree, a growing number of companies are focusing on energy efficiency.
But navigating this complex sector and opting for judicious choices requires special skills: this is where the Energy Manager comes in.

How can you ensure you make the right choices? How to avoid mistakes? In this article, we will delve deeper into the essential role of the Energy Manager in guiding you towards achieving your energy ambitions. In addition, we will highlight how crucial it is for companies to invest in the issue of energy consumption and energy management.


Energy management: what is it?

Energy management, also called Energy Management, is an approach taken by companies to understand and control all aspects related to energy in their production facilities.

When this approach is organized in such a way as to continually optimize the energy performance of the company as a whole, it is referred to as the Energy Management System (EMS) or Energy Management System (EMS).


The advantages of Energy management

The establishment of an Energy Management System (EMS) offers you the opportunity to develop an effective strategy for better energy management in your company.

The benefits of such a system include:

  • A detailed assessment of your energy costs (such as electricity, gas, oil) through analysis of the collected data.
  • Detecting areas for improvement and defining corrective measures to adopt.
  • Monitoring the effects of initiatives already taken.
  • Improving the energy performance of your installations, thus strengthening your competitiveness.
  • Reducing your energy consumption and, by extension, your expenses.
  • Reducing your carbon impact.
  • Mobilization of your employees around a significant initiative.
  • Preparing for the acquisition of certification ISO 50001
  • Enhancement of your corporate reputation.

Its implementation also guarantees access to the information and tools essential to meet the various regulatory requirements,as the tertiary decree, the BACS decree, or the driving of an energy audit.


Energy manager: what role?

The Energy Manager is dedicated to improving energy performance, whether it concerns tertiary, industrial buildings or homes. With its expertise, experience and technological innovations in energy intelligence, it guarantees careful and efficient management of energy consumption.

It occupies a central position by scrutinizing energy data, detecting areas of overconsumption and recommending measures to strengthen energy efficiency. This approach results in ever more refined control of energy management.

In short, the Energy Manager is a key partner to guide and support you in the quest for optimal energy efficiency, allowing you to significantly reduce your consumption.


Energy manager: what are his missions?

The Energy Manager is an expert dedicated to energy performance. Its intervention takes place in three essential phases:

  • Energy diagnosis: it begins with a careful study of all the energy consumption of the building concerned. Whether it be electricity, gas, fuel,water or even temperatures, each aspect of consumption is examined to identify areas of energy loss, inappropriate habits and procedures consuming excessive energy.
  • Tailored recommendations: following this diagnosis, the Energy Manager suggests adapted and personalized strategies. These solutions aim to optimize the energy efficiency of the building without compromising the comfort of residents and while taking into account the specificities of use.
  • Implementation of solutions and EnMS: the identified strategies are then deployed under the aegis of the Energy Manager. He ensures that initiatives run smoothly, trains and guides teams to monitor energy consumption. Furthermore, an Energy Management System (EMS), compliant with the ISO 50001 standard, is proposed, thus ensuring a continuous and sustainable approach to energy management.


Energy manager: should it be internalized or outsourced?

Energy manager internal

Integrating an Energy Manager into your structure means recruiting a dedicated internal expert. This gives you full control of activities related to energy management. An in-house Energy Manager will be fully familiar with the specific characteristics of your business and will tailor solutions to your specific requirements. However, this approach can generate significant costs, particularly in terms of remuneration, training and monitoring.

Energy manager external

Choosing outsourcing means calling on independent expert consultants specializing in energy management. This approach offers the benefit of benefiting from expert know-how without the costs and obligations associated with internal recruitment.

These consultants have varied experience and a solid knowledge of the most efficient methods in energy efficiency. They can also guide you in adapting to regulations that change regularly.

Opting for an external vision offers the opportunity to obtain a new perspective on your consumption patterns and to benefit from the most recent innovations in energy intelligence.

How to choose between the two types of Energy manager?

Ultimately, the choice to insource or outsource is frequently influenced by the size of your company and your field of activity.

These are mainly large companies for which energy represents a very important financial issue, who opt for internalization of the Energy Manager position. For most other structures - whether SMEs, real estate companies, etc. - support in energy management is generally offered by an external service provider.

Whatever option is chosen, the main ambition remains the reduction of energy consumption, the control of expenses and the contribution to a greener future.
Whether you internalize or outsource this function, the Energy Manager will be central to achieving these objectives.. 

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