What is the role of the OPERAT platform within the framework of the tertiary decree?

The tertiary decree requires that owners of tertiary buildings as well as tenants provide their energy data on the Operat platform designed by the Ademe. But what is this energy management platform? And how crucial is it for efforts to reduce energy consumption?


The Operat platform: what is it?

The Operat platform (Observatory of Energy Performance, Renovation and Tertiary Actions) is intended for the collection and monitoring of energy consumption of tertiary entities subject to the Tertiary Eco-Energy System (DEET), also called tertiary decree.

It is administered by ADEME, the Ecological Transition Agency.


Operat platform: for whom?

Owners, renters and occupants of buildings hosting tertiary activities over an area of ​​at least 1,000 m² are subject to the tertiary decree, in accordance with the contractual clauses defining their respective responsibilities. This can concern a wide variety of buildings such as stores, universities, gymnasiums, hospitals, central offices, etc.


Operat platform: 3 objectives

1. Data collection compliant with regulatory requirements:

  • Buildings
  • Consumption
  • Work program
  • Action tracking

2. Verification of the achievement of regulatory objectives

3. Dissemination and promotion of the data collected:

  • In compliance with confidentiality rules.
  • Possibility for taxable persons to compare the energetic performance of their respective parks.


Operat platform: what is its role?

The Operat platform is an essential tool for guiding energy renovation. It offers entities subject to the tertiary decree the possibility of declaring the energy consumption of their infrastructures.

This data includes elements such as lighting, heating, air conditioning and domestic hot water production. During this annual declaration, energy consumption relating to refrigeration equipment, elevators, escalators and other equipment must also be included.

After submitting your information, Operat will produce various data, including:

  • Annual energy consumption, depending on the type of energy consumed and climatic variations,
  • The adjustment based on the volume of activity and indicators specific to the intensity of use of the activity concerned,
  • Greenhouse gas emissions linked to annual energy consumption,
  • The digital certificate attesting to energy performance.


Expectations of the Operat platform

The Operat platform provides the ability to track progress against established targets. Following the annual verification of energy consumption data, the Operat platform issues a certificate in accordance with regulations.

In addition, an Eco-Energy Tertiary rating, which reflects the organization's progress in terms of energy efficiency, is obtained. This notation is symbolized by leaf-shaped pictograms.

Sanctions are in place for those who do not submit their data to the Operat platform or who fail to achieve the set targets.

The fine depends on the nature of the entity. Beyond financial sanctions, those who do not comply with the requirements could be subject to a measure of "name & shame", that is to say that their name will be publicly displayed on a site accessible to all.


The rating criteria of the Operat platform

The Tertiary Eco Energy rating enriches the digital energy performance certificate. It reflects the progress of the organization in its approach to controlling energy consumption, evaluated annually according to the level of energy consumption expressed in kWh/m²/year.

It is also essential to consider the position of the consumption level in relation to the trend line which connects the reference level to the consumption level in absolute value (Cabs). Energy consumption levels are classified as follows:

  • Gray sheet: Increase in the level of energy consumption without justification linked to the volume of activity.
  • Orange leaf: Annual consumption below the reference level but exceeding the trend line corridor.
  • 1 Green leaf: Energy consumption level in the trend line corridor.
  • 2 Green leaves: Annual consumption lower than the trend line corridor.
  • 3 Green leaves: Energy consumption exceeding the established objective.


How to get the best rating on the Operat platform?

Landlords and tenants can adopt various measures to comply with regulatory objectives. Improving the energy performance of buildings is an essential step, especially since the Operat platform aims to support players in the tertiary sector in their energy transition. Here are some recommended actions to strengthen energetic efficiency and reduce CO emissions2 :

  • Optimization of insulation: minimize thermal losses thanks to better insulation.
  • Modernization of heating: favor equipment using renewable energies.
  • Low-consumption equipment: opt for energy-efficient devices.
  • Solar thermal systems: use the sun to meet energy needs.
  • Photovoltaic roofs: produce electricity from solar energy.
  • Home automation: automatically manage energy consumption with intelligent systems.

Additionally, it is crucial to adopt control devices to manage these facilities. Another approach involves encouraging occupants to adopt energy-saving behaviors. In addition to making them aware of their environmental impact, it is beneficial to engage them in an ecological approach.

Various grants are available to help fund renovations, like those proposed by the France Recovery plan.


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