Impacts of the ELAN law on companies: what you need to know

The preservation of the climate and the environment has become a major concern in all sectors of activity. Faced with the crucial climate challenge, the State has implemented the ELAN law. It concerns tertiary buildings and aims to promote energy savings. This law, which takes into account the evolution of housing, establishes the foundations for adopting a concrete ecological approach in order to respect the objectives set. Companies are therefore strongly impacted by new measures to be taken within the framework of their activities. We take stock.


Elan Law: what is it?

Elan law: definition

The Elan law, which came into force in 2018, aims to reform real estate rights in terms of housing, development and digital technology. It addresses several important topics, including the environmental quality of commercial buildings. The decree specifies the many measures to be taken to achieve significant environmental objectives.


The 4 axes of the Elan law

  1. Increase the construction of housing in quantity, quality and at a lower cost
  2. Reorganize and strengthen the social housing sector
  3. Respond to everyone's needs and promote social diversity through the implementation of a mobility lease
  4. Improving living conditions and strengthening social solidarity


Who is affected by the Elan law?

The ELAN law, which is one of the many reforms aimed at acting for the environment, concerns many actors, whether public (such as local authorities and social landlords) or private (such as tenants, owners of establishments , real estate professionals and co-ownership trustees).


The obligations of the Elan law within the framework of the tertiary decree

Companies are subject to obligations relating to real estate as part of a project aimed at reducing their energy consumption.

The obligations imposed are as follows:

  • Reduce energy consumption by 40% by 2030, 50% by 2040 and 60% by 2050 compared to a reference period
  • Achieve a specific energy consumption target based on the professional activity carried out
  • Install equipment to improve energy performance


Loi Elan: the impact on tertiary companies

In order to achieve these objectives and regulations, companies must manage and monitor their consumption, as well as put in place systems aimed at improving the air quality in their establishments.


Consumption monitoring

Since the beginning of 2021,all companies in the tertiary sectorare required to provide evidence of their compliance with the ELAN law. This compliance must be verifiable via a digital platform, in particular by transmitting data relating to their energy consumption. Failure to comply with this obligation may result in penalties provided for by law. Each establishment in violation of this regulation can be fined around 7,500 euros.


Air quality

The ELAN law also addresses another aspect: the quality of the air inside new buildings. According to the regulations, the preservation of indoor air quality is an essential element in improving the energy performance of companies. The objective is to save energy and reduce the organization's carbon footprint. Thus, it is recommended to favor the use of renewable and recyclable materials in order to improve indoor air quality.


How to reduce energy consumption within the framework of the Elan law?

To guarantee better anticipation and compliance with the obligations of the ELAN law, it is recommended to call on qualified and competent professionals in this field. They can contribute their expertise in the management and monitoring of energy consumption by using high-performance tools offered by specialized companies.

Calling on an expert in reducing consumption has both ecological and economic advantages for your company. You will thus be able to benefit from their know-how to implement appropriate measures and tools within your organization.


Modernize energy-intensive equipment and facilities

Renovating equipment often involves refurbishing all or part of the building. In order to reduce the energy consumption of buildings, it is necessary to:

  • Install effective thermal insulation
  • Take into account the bioclimatic aspect of the building
  • Replace energy-consuming equipment
  • Encourage the self-production of energy

This work generally requires a significant investment and must be carried out according to the means of the contractors. However, thanks to the ELAN law, tenants and owners of buildings work together to achieve the objectives of reducing energy consumption.


Implementation of energy control and management tools

Above all, it is essential to analyze the energy expenditure so that the manager can identify the main items of energy consumption. With this in mind, the use of data becomes a priority for companies.

Here is the information companies need to have:

  • Data relating to the operation of building equipment
  • Data from sensors
  • Data provided by energy suppliers and distributors


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