Who can carry out an energy audit? Guide for businesses

An energy audit offers a detailed analysis of a company's consumption. This diagnosis highlights optimization opportunities to strengthen the energy performance of production sites. Furthermore, for some companies, this is a regulatory obligation. But then who can carry out an energy audit for a company? What should his qualifications be? Can there be an internal audit at the company? We'll explain it to you.


Who should do an energy audit?

If your company meets at least one of the following two conditions for the last two accounting years, it must undergo a regulatory energy audit:

  • More than 250 employees;
  • A turnover exceeding 50 million euros and a balance sheet exceeding 43 million euros.


Why do an energy audit?

The energy audit gives you a detailed overview of how your business consumes and uses energy. It identifies areas for improvement and evaluates possible energy and financial savings.

This audit is a valuable resource for defining an action plan. By adopting certain recommendations, you will be able to quickly benefit from a tangible improvement in the energy performance of your business. Typically, an energy audit can reveal potential savings of 10-25% on your annual energy bill.

According to a 2017 ADEME survey, here is why large companies are turning to energy audits:

  • 94% to comply with regulations; ;
  • 56% to reduce their energy consumption;
  • 31% to implement an eco-responsible approach;
  • 13% in response to an overall company strategy;
  • 11% to strengthen their image with customers;
  • 11% as a step towards certification ISO 50 001.


The steps of the energy audit

The audit is a structured and methodical approach which generally takes place over a period of 3 to 5 weeks. Here are the main steps of this process:

  1. Establishment of the audit framework.
  2. Gathering information relating to energy consumption, in particular with the site visit.
  3. Review of this information to identify energy saving opportunities.
  4. Financial estimation of possible improvements, possible savings and the payback period of the investment, in order to classify the recommendations in terms of energy efficiency.
  5. Preparation of the audit report including recommendations for action.


Who can carry out an energy audit? 

A design office or an engineering consultant can support you step by step in carrying out your energy audit. It can also support you in implementing measures to optimize your energy efficiency once the audit is completed.

The local ADEME can also be a valuable resource to inform your approach. In addition, ADEME provides methodological support, including a guide for drafting specifications and advice for choosing a suitable service provider.

In any case, the audit must comply with the basic criteria of standard NF EN 16247-1, as well as the specific specifications of standards NF EN 16247-2 for buildings, NF EN 16247-3 for process and NF EN 16247-4 for transport.


Mandatory qualifications to carry out an energy audit

The mandatory energy audit requires the intervention of an accredited expert. The professional auditor must have certification granted by an organization recognized by COFRAC, such as:

  • LNE
  • AFNOR Certification


The case of the internal auditor in the company

Under certain conditions, it is possible for an internal expert auditor of the company to carry out the audit. However, he must prove that he holds an equivalent qualification and respect neutrality criteria.

In practice, the professional internal auditor must:

  • be trained to carry out energy audits,
  • have experience as an auditor of 3 to 7 years,
  • carry out audit missions for other companies,
  • guarantee total impartiality in its actions.


How much does an energy audit cost?

The cost of an audit for a company generally ranges from 4,000 to 10,000 euros.

However, the rate may fluctuate depending on certain factors, such as the surface area or nature of the building.

It is also important to take into account additional expenses. For example, if the audit reveals energy renovation opportunities requiring new equipment, the cost of these modifications must be included in the overall audit budget.

Good to know

Like the BACS decree, the idea is that the cost of the audit and suggested improvements is balanced by the savings generated through improved energy efficiency. By improving energy efficiency, you will reduce your energy costs in the long term.


What financial aid is possible for an energy audit?

The Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) offers financial support to support your transition to renovation and increased energy efficiency.

Good to know

ADEME is a public establishment whose primary missions are to promote environmental protection and energy savings.

ADEME subsidizes part of the costs linked to your energy audits as follows:

50% for large companies (except for mandatory audits)

  • 60% for medium-sized companies
  • 70% for small businesses

Aid is granted up to a maximum amount of:

  • €50,000 for diagnostics
  • €100,000 for project monitoring studies

As mentioned previously, the cost of actions taken as a result of the audit is generally outweighed by the return on investment. This means that the company's share of the costs will be almost entirely covered by the savings made subsequently.


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