Energy performance of buildings: how to optimize it?

At a time when energy management is crucial to limit global warming, what challenges does energy optimization pose for public and private actors? How can we effectively measure the energy performance of a building? What are the best practices for reducing energy consumption? Focus on the best optimization of the energy performance of buildings.


Energy performance of buildings: what is it?

Energy performance refers to the amount of energy a building uses annually. This measure depends not only on the construction of the building, which can be more or less energy-intensive, but also on its operation and its energy installations. Optimizing the energy performance of buildings is crucial to reducing energy consumption and limiting greenhouse gas emissions.

Concretely, improving energy performance constitutes an effective way to progress towards the energy transition. It is also possible to quantify this performance relatively precisely, in particular using the Energy Performance Diagnostic (EPD) tool.


Why is optimizing the Energy Performance of buildings important?

Optimizing the energy performance of buildings essentially concerns the way in which energy is used and saved within them. For a company, this means reducing energy consumption for both economic and environmental purposes, while maintaining the level of production and the quality of services offered.

In the current context, issues related to energy management have become particularly crucial. Companies are strongly encouraged, and sometimes even forced by regulations, to improve their energetic efficiency. This is due to several factors, including increasing energy costs (exacerbated by geopolitical situations like the Russian conflict), regulatory requirements, and environmental initiatives (such as the tertiary decree, RE2020 for new buildings and certification ISO 50001). In the absence of price protection mechanisms for businesses, energy optimization has become not only desirable but also essential.


Energy performance of buildings: what to do?

To effectively reduce and optimize energy consumption, it is crucial to eliminate all forms of energy waste. But what is the best way to proceed?


Energy performance of buildings: monitoring equipment performance

Before taking steps to improve energy efficiency, a comprehensive audit of the organization's or municipality's energy system is essential to target energy savings opportunities.

For this audit, it is crucial to gather detailed energy data from the structures concerned. The criteria for evaluating efficiency vary depending on the nature of the building, organizational requirements and the type of activities carried out. Consumption data should be evaluated based on:

  • The energy source (gas, electricity, fuel, etc.);
  • Equipment or machines in service;
  • The various uses of energy (heating, air conditioning, lighting, ventilation, etc.).

This first level of analysis helps identify weaknesses and deficiencies in the systems in place, which will then be the target for optimizations. Once these problems have been addressed, regular monitoring is necessary to measure the effectiveness of the improvements made.


Energy performance of buildings: implementing optimization actions

After collecting preliminary data and defining concrete energy needs, it is time to think about the various optimization strategies to implement.

These initiatives vary depending on the nature of the organization and its field of activity. Here are some possible approaches:

  • Modernization of infrastructure and optimization of equipment and processes that consume the most energy. This may include measures such as improving insulation, installing more efficient appliances that are better suited to needs, adding air destratifiers, revising the lighting system with emphasis on natural light. , or even heat recovery from cooling systems.
  • Improving the operation of existing systems, for example by programming heating and cooling systems, establishing a technical building management system (BMS), or installing lighting with presence detectors.
  • Implementation of an awareness campaign for staff. This could involve informing them about energy efficiency objectives, reminding them of good environmental practices and encouraging them to adopt eco-responsible behaviors such as turning off unused lights or avoiding overheating work spaces.

Each organization will have different needs and opportunities, and these measures can be tailored accordingly.


Energy performance of buildings: use of data linked to energy optimization operations

For optimal energy management of a building or real estate complex, it is crucial to establish and monitor Energy Performance Indicators (EPI).

These indicators make it possible to measure the energy performance of a specific application, taking into account various factors such as location and altitude. There are various types of EPI, such as energy consumption per square meter, energy cost per square meter, overall energy consumption and total energy bill.

Once implemented, these indicators offer the possibility of comparing energy yields over specific periods of time and facilitate careful monitoring of their evolution. They also serve to quickly identify any irregularities in energy consumption, allowing you to act accordingly. Thus, they play an essential role in achieving energy savings and continuously improving the organization's energy efficiency.


Go further: the Energy Performance contract

The lack of guarantee on results constitutes a major obstacle to investment for companies and public institutions. It is in this context that the Energy Performance Contract (CPE) takes on its full importance.This contract binds the work provider to a clearly defined energy savings objective. Furthermore, operation and maintenance play a rolesignificant over time, making it possible to guarantee energy performance.

If the consumption objectives are not achieved at the end of the specified period, financial sanctions are applied to the company. It should be mentioned that in the case of a project supported by Energy savings certificates (CEE), the establishment of a CPE can increase the bonus granted to the project owner, under certain conditions.

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